When the expression contains parenthesis, you should do all of the operations inside the parentheses first, and then continue with the rest of the expressions true or false

True. When an expression contains parentheses, the calculations inside the parentheses should be completed first, following the order of operations. Only after resolving all operations within the parentheses should you continue evaluating the rest of the expression.

True. When an expression contains parentheses, the operations within the parentheses should be done first, following the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS). The parentheses ensure that the operations inside are prioritized before moving on to the rest of the expression.

That statement is partially correct. When an expression contains parentheses, you should indeed perform the operations inside the parentheses first. This is commonly referred to as the "order of operations" or "parentheses rule" in mathematics.

To evaluate an expression with parentheses correctly, follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the innermost set of parentheses in the expression.
2. Evaluate the expression inside the innermost parentheses following the usual order of operations, which is:

a. Perform any calculations involving exponents (such as squares or cubes).
b. Perform multiplication and division from left to right.
c. Perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

3. Replace the evaluated expression inside the parentheses with the result.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until no more parentheses remain in the expression.
5. Finally, evaluate the remaining operations outside of the parentheses following the order of operations.

Here's an example:

Expression: 4 * (3 + 2) - 7

1. The innermost set of parentheses is (3 + 2).
2. Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses: 3 + 2 = 5.
3. Replace (3 + 2) with 5 in the expression: 4 * 5 - 7.
4. No more parentheses remain.
5. Evaluate the remaining multiplication and subtraction operations:

a. 4 * 5 = 20.
b. 20 - 7 = 13.

Therefore, the value of the expression 4 * (3 + 2) - 7 is 13.

Remember that when there are multiple sets of parentheses, always start with the innermost ones and work your way out until there are no more parentheses.