Professional roles of a registered nurse are

Select all that apply
A preceptor
B caregiver
C advocate
D political activist

A preceptor

B caregiver
C advocate

The professional roles of a registered nurse include:

B) Caregiver: Nurses provide direct care to patients, including assessing their needs, planning and implementing care, and evaluating the outcomes.

C) Advocate: Nurses advocate for their patients' rights and help them make informed decisions about their healthcare. They also advocate for the profession of nursing and the healthcare system as a whole.

A) Preceptor: Nurses act as preceptors, mentoring and guiding new nurses or nursing students to help them develop their clinical skills.

Note: D) Political activist is not typically considered a professional role of a registered nurse. While nurses may engage in advocacy for healthcare policy changes, the term "political activist" suggests a more active involvement in political campaigns and movements, which is not an inherent part of the nursing profession.

To determine the professional roles of a registered nurse, we can analyze each option individually.

A) Preceptor: A preceptor is a nurse who guides and mentors nursing students or newly licensed nurses. They provide practical training and orient them to the healthcare facility. This role involves teaching, supervising, and evaluating the performance of the new nurses.

B) Caregiver: One of the primary roles of a registered nurse is to provide direct care to patients. RNs are responsible for assessing patient needs, creating and implementing care plans, administering medications, monitoring patient vitals, and providing emotional support to patients and their families. Therefore, being a caregiver is an important professional role of a registered nurse.

C) Advocate: Advocacy is an essential aspect of nursing. Nurses act as patient advocates by ensuring the patient's needs and preferences are communicated and respected by the healthcare team. They educate patients about their rights, help them make informed decisions, and ensure their voice is heard in the healthcare process.

D) Political Activist: While some nurses may engage in activism related to healthcare policies, laws, or social justice issues, it is not a standard or inherent role of a registered nurse. Nursing organizations or individual nurses may participate in political activities or lobbying efforts to influence healthcare policy, but it is not a role that applies to all registered nurses.

Based on the information above, the correct professional roles of a registered nurse are:
- A) Preceptor
- B) Caregiver
- C) Advocate

Therefore, options A, B, and C apply. Option D, political activist, is not generally considered a standard professional role of a registered nurse.