Choose the element of heritage that is preserved by each excerpt from the folktale.

"The whole family came and bowed down before the warrior, calling him their preserver and the bravest warrior in all Japan."

"Another feast was prepared, more sumptuous than the first. All kinds of fish, prepared in every imaginable way, raw, stewed, boiled and roasted, served on coral trays and crystal dishes, were put before him, and the wine was the best that Hidesato had ever tasted in his life."

The element of heritage preserved in the first excerpt is the tradition of respect and reverence for brave warriors. The family's act of bowing down and praising the warrior highlights the importance placed on honor and bravery in Japanese culture.

In the second excerpt, the element of heritage preserved is the tradition of elaborate feasts and culinary skills. The description of the various ways fish is prepared and served, as well as the mention of crystal dishes and high-quality wine, showcases the importance of food and hospitality in Japanese culture.

1. In the first excerpt, the element of heritage that is preserved is the concept of honor and respect for bravery. The family bows down before the warrior and acknowledges him as their preserver and the bravest warrior in Japan, thereby upholding the cultural value of honoring heroic deeds.

2. In the second excerpt, the element of heritage that is preserved is the culinary traditions and cuisine. The feast prepared with various types of fish, cooked in different ways, and served on coral trays and crystal dishes reflects the importance given to food and presentation in Japanese culture. The mention of the wine being the best Hidesato had ever tasted also implies a cultural appreciation for fine beverages.

Based on the provided excerpts from the folktale, the element of heritage that is preserved is cultural tradition and customs.

In the first excerpt, the focus is on the warrior being hailed as a hero by the family and being recognized as the bravest warrior in all Japan. This reflects the preservation of the cultural value of honoring and respecting bravery, as well as the tradition of showing deference to warriors or protectors.

In the second excerpt, the feast that is prepared for Hidesato showcases the preservation of culinary heritage and appreciation of plentiful and diverse food. The use of various types of fish, prepared in different ways, along with the use of coral trays and crystal dishes, demonstrates the importance placed on food presentation and indulging in the finest ingredients available. The mention of the wine being the best Hidesato had ever tasted also highlights the appreciation for fine spirits, which can be a part of cultural celebrations or gatherings.

Overall, both excerpts from the folktale illustrate the preservation of cultural customs and traditions, specifically related to honor, bravery, hospitality, and culinary heritage.