Who is Brahman in Hinduism?

Supreme God



lesser god

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Supreme God

Brahman in Hinduism is considered the Supreme God.

Brahman is the Supreme God in Hinduism. To understand this concept, let's break down the answer:

1. Research and study Hinduism: To obtain a comprehensive understanding of Brahman, it is essential to explore the basics of Hinduism. Read books, articles, or refer to reliable sources to grasp the fundamentals of this ancient religion.

2. Understand the concept of Brahman: Brahman is the ultimate reality and the highest cosmic power in Hinduism. It is described as an eternal, infinite, and omnipotent force that transcends all other beings and deities in the Hindu pantheon.

3. Explore Hindu scriptures: Hinduism has a vast collection of sacred texts, such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Puranas. Look for references to Brahman in these scriptures to gain more insight into the nature of Brahman and its significance in Hindu philosophy.

4. Consult with Hindu scholars or spiritual guides: Seek guidance from Hindu scholars, gurus, or spiritual teachers who have a deep understanding of Hindu philosophy, including the concept of Brahman. They can provide you with expert explanations and interpretations based on their knowledge and personal experiences.

Based on the information gathered through your research and exploration, you will be able to answer the question: Brahman is the Supreme God in Hinduism.