Write an expository essay based on this question: what is your idea of what the role(s) of a man is and what the role(s) of a woman is in today's society? In PNG society

Title: The Changing Roles of Men and Women in Today's Society: Insights from PNG

The roles of men and women in society have evolved over time, adapting to cultural, social, and economic changes. In this expository essay, we will explore the shifting dynamics of gender roles in modern society, with a specific focus on Papua New Guinea (PNG). We will examine how traditional expectations have transformed and highlight the current ideas surrounding the roles of men and women in PNG society.

1. Understanding Traditional Gender Roles in PNG Society:
a. Historically, PNG society has been characterized by a patriarchal structure, where men held dominant roles in decision-making and leadership positions.
b. Women were primarily responsible for domestic duties, such as childcare, cooking, and household chores.
c. Men were often seen as providers, responsible for hunting, agriculture, and protecting the community.

2. Transformation and Empowerment of Women:
a. In recent decades, there has been a gradual shift towards gender equality in PNG society, influenced by global trends and advocacy for women's rights.
b. The empowerment of women has played a crucial role in challenging traditional gender roles. Women are no longer confined to domestic responsibilities; they are actively involved in education, employment, and community development initiatives.
c. Education has been a key catalyst for change, increasing female literacy rates, raising awareness, and enhancing opportunities for women.

3. Evolving Roles of Men:
a. While the empowerment of women has contributed to changing gender dynamics, it is important to note that men have also undergone significant transformations in their roles and responsibilities.
b. Men are increasingly embracing caregiving roles, breaking away from stereotypical views that define masculinity solely based on physical strength or dominance.
c. Contemporary men are encouraged to be emotionally available, supportive partners, fathers, and active participants in household duties.

4. Modern Expectations and Challenges:
a. Modern society acknowledges that both men and women possess unique qualities, and their roles should be viewed as flexible, adaptable, and based on individual talents and preferences.
b. Gender equality initiatives in PNG, such as the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy, emphasize equal opportunities, eliminating gender-based violence, and promoting women's leadership and economic empowerment.
c. Despite these advancements, challenges remain, including addressing deep-rooted cultural norms and combating gender-based violence, which hinder progress in attaining true gender equality.

In contemporary PNG society, the roles of men and women are undergoing significant changes. Traditional gender roles are gradually being dismantled, allowing space for greater gender equality and empowerment of women. Men are embracing new responsibilities, beyond the traditional male-centric domains, and becoming active partners in fostering progress. However, it is vital to continue challenging societal norms, fostering inclusivity, and ensuring that gender equality initiatives are effectively implemented to pave the way for a more equitable and balanced society.

Title: Gender Roles in Today's Society: Perspectives from Papua New Guinea

Gender roles have been an integral part of societies worldwide, including Papua New Guinea (PNG). However, as societies evolve and progress, traditional gender norms are being challenged. This essay aims to explore the evolving roles of men and women in PNG society and shed light on the contemporary expectations placed upon individuals in their respective genders.


1. Exploration of Traditional Gender Roles in PNG Society:
Traditional PNG society assigned men and women distinct roles. Men were typically responsible for providing for the family, engaging in physical labor, and maintaining leadership positions both within the family and the larger community. Meanwhile, women were primarily assigned nurturing roles, such as taking care of the household, raising children, and maintaining social connections.

2. Changing Gender Roles in Contemporary PNG Society:
a) Education and Employment Opportunities:
With increased access to education and job opportunities, women in PNG are breaking traditional gender barriers. Women now pursue careers in various fields, occupy leadership roles, and contribute to the economy. Consequently, the notion of financial support being solely the responsibility of men is changing.

b) Redefining Masculinity:
As PNG experiences social transformation, traditional expectations of masculinity are being redefined. Men are increasingly embracing roles that challenge societal stereotypes, such as engaging in homemaking, child-rearing, and emotional support. This shift empowers men to be more involved in family life and share domestic responsibilities equally.

c) Advocacy for Gender Equality:
NGOs, civil society organizations, and government initiatives are promoting gender equality, challenging harmful cultural practices, and advocating for women's rights. These efforts aim to eradicate gender-based discrimination and give both men and women an equal opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute to society in various domains.

3. Gender Roles and Cultural Diversity in PNG Society:
It is vital to recognize that PNG's diverse cultural landscape influences gender roles differently across various communities. Understanding and respecting the distinct cultural traditions and practices is crucial when discussing gender roles, as some communities may hold stronger adherence to traditional gender norms than others.

4. The Importance of Shaping Gender Roles for Social Progress:
Promoting equitable gender roles in PNG society has numerous benefits. It fosters social harmony, reduces gender-based violence and discrimination, and encourages shared decision-making within families and communities. Embracing gender equality also enhances economic growth by tapping into the talents and potential contributions of both men and women.


Gender roles in PNG society are evolving as a result of social progress, increased education, employment opportunities, and advocacy for gender equality. The once rigid division of labor between men and women is no longer universally applicable or desired. As societies continue to evolve, it is crucial to ensure equal opportunities and rights for all individuals, regardless of their gender in order to foster a more inclusive and harmonious society in Papua New Guinea.

Title: Understanding the Roles of Men and Women in Today's Society: A Perspective on Papua New Guinea

In today's evolving society, the roles of men and women have undergone significant changes. This essay aims to explore the idea of gender roles within the unique context of Papua New Guinea (PNG) society. By understanding the cultural and societal dynamics of PNG, we can gain insights into the roles assigned to men and women in this specific community.


1. Cultural Context:
- Begin by introducing the cultural aspects of PNG society, highlighting the importance of kinship, traditional values, and communal living.
- Mention the diverse ethnic groups and languages in PNG, which contribute to a rich cultural tapestry.
- Emphasize the significant influence of tribal customs, beliefs, and gender norms in shaping gender roles.

2. Traditional Gender Roles:
- Explore the historical roles men and women were assigned in PNG society.
- Discuss traditional responsibilities such as men providing for the family through hunting, farming, and leadership roles.
- Explain the roles women may have held, such as nurturing children, maintaining the household, and engaging in subsistence farming.

3. The Impact of Modernization:
- Highlight the effect of modernization on traditional gender roles in PNG.
- Explain how factors like urbanization, globalization, education, and exposure to different cultures have influenced societal expectations.
- Discuss the challenges faced by men and women as they navigate changing gender roles in a rapidly evolving world.

4. Shifts in Gender Roles:
- Illustrate the emerging trends in PNG society regarding gender roles.
- Increasing access to education, resulting in more women joining the workforce and challenging traditional gender norms.
- Men adapting to changing societal expectations, sharing household responsibilities, and embracing non-traditional professions.
- The promotion of gender equality through civil society movements and government initiatives.

5. Gender Equality and Empowerment:
- Discuss the concept of gender equality and its importance in today's PNG society.
- Highlight the significance of empowering both men and women to overcome gender stereotypes and biases.
- Explore how gender equality can lead to a more inclusive, progressive, and prosperous society.

Papua New Guinea, like many societies, has experienced shifts in gender roles due to various factors. With the impact of modernization and increasing demands for gender equality, traditional gender roles are evolving. By embracing this change, PNG society can create an environment where both men and women have equal opportunities to contribute to their communities and achieve their aspirations. Understanding and addressing the intricacies of gender roles within PNG will ultimately pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.