Put the following events in chronological order. You should put the event that happened earliest first, then work up to the most recent (latest) event.

1.James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded in savannah
2. Georgia became a royal colony after the charter of 1732 ended
3. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

3. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

1. James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah
2. Georgia became a royal colony after the charter of 1732 ended

1. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

2. James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah
3. Georgia became a royal colony after the charter of 1732 ended

To put these events in chronological order, follow these steps:

1. Identify any dates or timeframes associated with each event. This helps determine the sequence.

- James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah in 1733.
- Georgia became a royal colony after the charter of 1732 ended.
- Hernando de Soto explored Georgia during the mid-1500s.

2. Recognize that the events with specific dates are easier to position in the chronological order. In this case, we have a specific date for James Oglethorpe's arrival in Georgia (1733) but not for when the charter of 1732 ended.

3. Use contextual information to make an educated guess. The founding of Savannah by James Oglethorpe happened after his arrival, and there is no specific mention of the charter ending before Oglethorpe arrived. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the charter ended after he arrived in Georgia.

Based on this analysis, the chronological order of the events would be:

3. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia (mid-1500s).
1. James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah (1733).
2. Georgia became a royal colony after the charter of 1732 ended (sometime after Oglethorpe's arrival).

However, it's important to note that the information provided is limited, and further research may provide more accurate dates or contextual details that could modify the chronological order.