What do earthquakes and tsunamis have in common?(1 point)


They modify Earth’s surface.
They modify Earth’s surface.

They only occur on landmasses.
They only occur on landmasses.

They only occur in the ocean.
They only occur in the ocean.

They originate on Earth’s surface.

They originate on Earth’s surface.

They originate on Earth's surface.

The correct response is: They modify Earth’s surface.

Both earthquakes and tsunamis can modify Earth's surface. Earthquakes are caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, which can result in the shaking and displacement of the ground. This shaking motion can lead to the formation of cracks in the ground, landslides, and even the collapse of buildings and infrastructure. As a result, earthquakes can modify the physical features of the Earth's surface.

Similarly, tsunamis are series of large ocean waves that are usually caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. When an earthquake occurs beneath the ocean floor, it displaces a large amount of water and sets off a series of powerful, long-period waves that can travel across the ocean. When these waves reach the shore, they can cause significant damage to coastal areas, eroding beaches, flooding low-lying areas, and reshaping the coastline. Therefore, tsunamis also have the ability to modify the Earth's surface.

To find this answer, you could have used your knowledge of earthquakes and tsunamis or conducted a quick internet search to learn about their effects on Earth's surface.