rom what country did many of the families of students at Miami High School come? (1 point) Responses Cuba Cuba Argentina Argentina Italy Italy Spain

The answer is Cuba.

Many of the families of students at Miami High School come from Cuba.

To find out from which country many of the families of students at Miami High School come, you can use a combination of research and data gathering. Here are a few steps you can take to get the answer:

1. Check official sources: Start by visiting the official website of Miami High School. Look for any demographic or student population data provided by the school. Many schools publish this information to promote diversity and cultural awareness.

2. Conduct surveys or interviews: If you have access to students or staff members at Miami High School, you can create a survey or conduct interviews to gather information about their family backgrounds. This can be done online or in person.

3. Analyze local demographics: Research the demographics of Miami or the neighborhood where the school is located. You can refer to data from the U.S. Census Bureau or local government sources to identify the countries of origin for the population in the area.

4. Consult community organizations: Reach out to local community organizations or ethnic associations in Miami. They may have insights or data regarding the countries of origin for families in the area.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information and determine from which country many of the families of students at Miami High School come.