Which property is illustrated by the following statement? (3z)xy = 3(zx)y (1 point) Responses

The property illustrated by the statement (3z)xy = 3(zx)y is the associative property of multiplication.

The property illustrated by the statement (3z)xy = 3(zx)y is the Associative Property of Multiplication.

To determine which property is illustrated by the statement (3z)xy = 3(zx)y, we need to analyze the equation and look for any patterns or transformations that occurred.

In this equation, we can see that the parentheses were rearranged without affecting the product. Specifically, the product of (3z) and xy is equivalent to the product of 3 and (zx)y.

This property is known as the associative property of multiplication. According to the associative property, the grouping of numbers being multiplied together does not affect the final product. In this case, it means that whether we multiply (3z) by xy first or multiply 3 by (zx)y first, we will still end up with the same result.

To further explore this property and understand it better, you can experiment with different values and variables to observe consistent results.