Which number has the greatest value 654,987 , 645,897,430 , 546,789,340 in scientific notation

In scientific notation, a number is written as a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

The given numbers in scientific notation are:
1. 6.54987 x 10^5
2. 6.4589743 x 10^8
3. 5.4678934 x 10^8

To determine which number has the greatest value, we compare the exponent of each number:
1. The exponent of 10 in 6.54987 x 10^5 is 5.
2. The exponent of 10 in 6.4589743 x 10^8 is 8.
3. The exponent of 10 in 5.4678934 x 10^8 is 8.

Since both the second and third numbers have the same exponent (8) and are greater than the first number, the number with the greatest value in scientific notation is 6.4589743 x 10^8.

To compare the given numbers in scientific notation, we need to rewrite them in the form of a x 10^b, where a is a number between 1 and 10 and b is an integer.

Let's convert each number to scientific notation:

654,987 = 6.54987 x 10^5
645,897,430 = 6.4589743 x 10^8
546,789,340 = 5.4678934 x 10^8

Comparing the numbers in exponential form, we can see that the number with the greatest value is 6.4589743 x 10^8, which corresponds to 645,897,430 in standard form.

To determine which number has the greatest value in scientific notation, we need to rewrite each number in scientific notation and compare their exponents. Scientific notation represents a number as the product of a coefficient and a power of 10.

Let's convert each number into scientific notation:

1. 654,987 = 6.54987 × 10^5
2. 645,897,430 = 6.4589743 × 10^8
3. 546,789,340 = 5.4678934 × 10^8

Now we can compare the exponents of each number:

The exponents for the numbers in scientific notation are:
1. 10^5
2. 10^8
3. 10^8

Since both numbers in scientific notation have the same exponent (10^8), we need to compare the coefficients. In this case, the coefficient for the second number, 6.4589743, is greater than the coefficient for the third number, 5.4678934.

Therefore, the number with the greatest value in scientific notation is 645,897,430 (6.4589743 × 10^8), as it has the highest coefficient among the given numbers.