In Spanish, write at least two complete sentences describing two things you like to do. Use the vocabulary from this unit.

Me gusta leer libros porque me encanta sumergirme en diferentes historias y aprender nuevas cosas. También disfruto cocinar, ya que me permite ser creativo y experimentar con distintos sabores y ingredientes.

Me gusta leer libros y escuchar música. También disfruto pasar tiempo al aire libre y practicar deportes.

To write two complete sentences in Spanish describing two things you like to do, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the vocabulary from this unit that corresponds to the activities you want to describe. If you're not sure about the vocabulary, please mention the specific unit or topic you're referring to.

Step 2: Write the sentences by incorporating the vocabulary you identified. I will provide an example using general vocabulary:

Sentence 1: Me gusta leer libros porque me permite transportarme a diferentes lugares y vivir aventuras emocionantes.
Translation: I like to read books because it allows me to travel to different places and experience exciting adventures.

Sentence 2: Disfruto hacer ejercicio al aire libre porque me ayuda a mantenerme activo y saludable.
Translation: I enjoy doing outdoor exercises because it helps me stay active and healthy.

Please replace the generic vocabulary with the specific vocabulary from the unit you mentioned in order to make the sentences more accurate and contextually relevant.