What was the main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America?

To find gold

To spread Catholicism

To increase wealth through mercantilism

To build a strong alliance with the Spanish

The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism.

The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism.

The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism. Mercantilism was an economic system that aimed to establish colonies for the purpose of acquiring raw materials and establishing profitable trade routes. The British sought to gain access to valuable resources such as timber, furs, and tobacco that could be exported to Europe and generate wealth for the British Empire. Additionally, the establishment of colonies provided new markets for British goods and helped maintain a favorable balance of trade. The pursuit of gold, spreading Catholicism, and building alliances with the Spanish were not the primary motivations for British exploration and colonization of North America, though they may have played secondary roles in certain instances.