Everyone in Julio’s class has a chronic condition. Some have asthma. Some have diabetes. Some have allergies. What do ALL of these conditions have in common?

They can be managed with behaviors and medications.

They can be cured over time.

They are all inherited from the genes of their parents.

They all get worse over time

The correct answer is: They can be managed with behaviors and medications.

The commonality among all of these conditions is that they can be managed with behaviors and medications.

To determine what all of these conditions have in common, we will analyze each option provided:

1. They can be managed with behaviors and medications: This option is correct. Asthma, diabetes, and allergies can all be managed through various measures, including lifestyle changes, medication, and treatment plans.

2. They can be cured over time: This option is incorrect. While certain conditions may improve or be controlled through treatment, these chronic conditions cannot be completely cured.

3. They are all inherited from the genes of their parents: This option is incorrect. While some chronic conditions can have a genetic component, not all cases are inherited or solely caused by genetics. Environmental factors and other variables can also contribute to these conditions.

4. They all get worse over time: This option is incorrect. While some chronic conditions may progress and worsen over time if left untreated or unmanaged, it is not a universal characteristic for all chronic conditions.

Therefore, the correct answer is: They can be managed with behaviors and medications.