which of these is an example of a hereditary risk factor?(1 point)

A. smoking
B. eating junk food every day
C. being a couch potato
D. having fair skin that is prone to sunburn

D. having fair skin that is prone to sunburn

D. having fair skin that is prone to sunburn

To determine which of the options is an example of a hereditary risk factor, we need to understand what hereditary means. Hereditary refers to traits or characteristics that are passed down from one generation to another through genetic information.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

A. Smoking: This is not an example of a hereditary risk factor. Smoking is a behavior that is acquired and not determined by genetics.

B. Eating junk food every day: Similarly, this is not a hereditary risk factor. It is a lifestyle choice and not determined by genetics.

C. Being a couch potato: Again, this is not a hereditary risk factor. Being inactive or sedentary is a result of personal choices and habits, not determined by genetics.

D. Having fair skin that is prone to sunburn: This is an example of a hereditary risk factor. Skin color and susceptibility to sunburn can be influenced by genetics. Fair-skinned individuals often have less melanin, the pigment that provides natural protection from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can lead to a higher risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Therefore, option D - having fair skin that is prone to sunburn is the correct answer as it is an example of a hereditary risk factor.