The skills from this unit I feel most confident in are

(1 point)

Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement



Phrases and Clauses
Phrases and Clauses

Identifying Passive and Active Voice
Identifying Passive and Active Voice

Using Passive and Active Voice

Using Passive and Active Voice

It seems like you are listing the skills you feel most confident in from a unit. The skills you mentioned are:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement: This skill involves ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and tense.

2. Gerunds: Gerunds are verb forms that function as nouns in a sentence. You feel confident in identifying and using gerunds correctly.

3. Participles: Participles are verb forms that can function as adjectives in a sentence. You feel confident in identifying and using participles correctly.

4. Phrases and Clauses: You feel confident in identifying and distinguishing between phrases (groups of words without a subject and verb) and clauses (groups of words with a subject and verb).

5. Identifying Passive and Active Voice: You are comfortable with recognizing when a sentence is written in passive voice (the subject receives the action) or active voice (the subject performs the action).

6. Using Passive and Active Voice: You feel confident in using passive and active voice appropriately in your writing, depending on the intended emphasis or clarity.

To determine the skills you feel most confident in, you can review the concepts covered in the unit and assess your understanding of each skill.

1. Subject-Verb Agreement: This skill requires matching the subject and verb in terms of number (singular or plural). Make sure the subject and verb agree in terms of singular or plural form. For example, "She runs" (subject is singular, verb is singular) and "They run" (subject is plural, verb is plural).

2. Gerunds: A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun in a sentence. Identify the words ending in -ing and verify if they are acting as nouns. For instance, in the sentence "I love swimming," "swimming" is a gerund because it functions as the object of the verb "love."

3. Participles: Participles are verb forms that function as adjectives. They can be present participles (ending in -ing) or past participles (often ending in -ed). Look for words ending in -ing or -ed that describe or modify nouns. For example, in the sentence "The broken vase needs to be replaced," "broken" is a past participle modifying the noun "vase."

4. Phrases and Clauses: Identify groups of words that work together to form a meaningful unit in a sentence. A phrase does not have a subject and verb, while a clause contains a subject and verb. Determine if the group of words has a subject and verb to distinguish between a phrase and a clause. For instance, "After dinner" is a phrase because it lacks a subject and verb, while "When the cat meowed" is a clause because it contains a subject ("cat") and verb ("meowed").

5. Identifying Passive and Active Voice: Differentiate between passive voice and active voice constructions based on the order of subject and verb. In active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action. For instance, in the sentence "She wrote a letter" (active voice), "she" is the subject performing the action of "wrote." In the sentence "The letter was written by her" (passive voice), "the letter" is the subject receiving the action of "was written."

6. Using Passive and Active Voice: This skill involves choosing between passive and active voice constructions based on the intended emphasis or the focus of the sentence. Determine whether the subject performing the action is more important or the subject receiving the action is more important in conveying the message effectively. Adjust the voice accordingly. For example, "The book was written by an author" (passive voice) emphasizes the book, while "An author wrote the book" (active voice) emphasizes the author.

By reviewing these concepts and assessing your understanding of each skill, you can determine which ones you feel most confident in.