Charlee is using her calculator to find the product of two large numbers. Her calculator shows 1.78E12 on the display. Interpret what this means.

1.78E12 is a mathematical notation called scientific notation. It represents a very large number in a compact form. In this case, "E" stands for "times 10 raised to the power of", and the number after "E" (12) represents the power of 10 by which the first part (1.78) should be multiplied.

So, 1.78E12 means that the number displayed on Charlee's calculator is equal to 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12. In other words, the actual number is 1.78 followed by 12 zeros: 1,780,000,000,000.

The number 1.78E12 is in scientific notation. In scientific notation, the letter "E" represents "x10 raised to the power of". So, 1.78E12 means 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12.

To calculate the actual value, you can simply multiply 1.78 by 10 raised to the power of 12:

1.78 × 10^12 = 1,780,000,000,000

Therefore, the calculator is showing the product of the two large numbers as 1,780,000,000,000.

The notation 1.78E12 is a representation of a number in scientific notation. In this case, it means that the calculator is showing the value 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12.

To interpret this, we can rewrite it in standard decimal notation by moving the decimal point 12 places to the right. Therefore, 1.78E12 is equivalent to 1,780,000,000,000.

So when Charlee's calculator displays 1.78E12, it means that she is trying to find the product of two large numbers that equals 1.78 trillion.