Add: 5(0.5k−1)+2(0.4−k) . Answer should be in decimal form.(1 point)

5(0.5k - 1) + 2(0.4 - k)

5 * 0.5k - 5 * 1 + 2 * 0.4 - 2 * k

2.5k - 5 + 0.8 - 2k

(2.5k - 2k) + (-5 + 0.8)

0.5k - 4.2

The decimal form of the answer is 0.5k - 4.2.

To solve the given expression, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 5 by each term inside the parentheses:
5 * 0.5k = 2.5k
5 * -1 = -5

Step 2: Multiply 2 by each term inside the parentheses:
2 * 0.4 = 0.8
2 * -k = -2k

Step 3: Combine like terms:
2.5k - 5 + 0.8 - 2k

Step 4: Combine the numerical terms:
(2.5k - 2k) + (-5 + 0.8)

Step 5: Simplify each group of terms:
0.5k - 4.2

Therefore, the answer is 0.5k - 4.2 in decimal form.

To add the given expression in decimal form, let's simplify it step by step:

1. Distribute the multiplication:
5(0.5k - 1) = 2.5k - 5
2(0.4 - k) = 0.8 - 2k

2. Now, we can add the simplified terms together:
(2.5k - 5) + (0.8 - 2k)

Collect like terms:
(2.5k - 2k) + (-5 + 0.8)

0.5k - 4.2

Thus, the final decimal form of the given expression is 0.5k - 4.2.