
When did the middle ages start?

Viking invasions


rise of Charlemagne

Fall of Rome

The middle ages started after the Fall of Rome, which occurred in 476 AD.

The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval period, began after the Fall of Rome. The specific date for the start of the Middle Ages can vary depending on different scholars and regions, but generally, the Middle Ages are considered to have started around the 5th or 6th century CE. Here are some significant events that took place during this period:

1. Viking invasions: The Viking invasions occurred during the 8th to the 11th centuries. Vikings were seafaring warriors from Scandinavia who raided and colonized various parts of Europe, including England, France, and Italy.

2. Rise of Charlemagne: Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was the King of the Franks from 768 and the Emperor of the Carolingian Empire from 800 until his death in 814. He played a significant role in expanding the Frankish Empire and promoting education and culture during the early Middle Ages.

3. Fall of Rome: The Fall of Rome refers to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE. The city of Rome was captured by the Germanic leader Odoacer, which marked the end of the Western Roman Empire and is often seen as a significant event leading to the beginning of the Middle Ages.

4. Renaissance: The Renaissance was a period of renewed interest in learning, arts, and sciences that occurred during the 14th to the 17th centuries. It is seen as a transition between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era, characterized by advancements in various fields, including art, literature, exploration, and scientific discovery.

While these events are important in understanding the broader historical context of the Middle Ages, it's important to note that the Middle Ages is a complex period that spanned approximately 1000 years, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the beginning of the Renaissance.

The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Period, is generally believed to have started with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To determine the specific date, we need to consider the events you mentioned:

1. Viking invasions: Viking raids and invasions were prominent from the late 8th century to the early 11th century. While they disrupted trade and caused unrest during this time, they did not mark the beginning of the Middle Ages.

2. Renaissance: The Renaissance was a period of cultural and intellectual rebirth that took place between the 14th and 17th centuries. It occurred after the Middle Ages, so it is not the starting point.

3. Rise of Charlemagne: Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor on December 25, 800. His reign was significant in the early Middle Ages, but it does not mark the beginning of the period.

4. Fall of Rome: The fall of the Western Roman Empire is commonly identified as a significant event that began the Middle Ages. In 476 AD, the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, was overthrown by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer. This event marked the end of Classical Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages.

Therefore, based on these events, the Middle Ages started with the Fall of Rome in 476 AD.