Jacqueline has two part-time jobs. She earns $15 per hour, b, working as a lab assistant, and $12 per hour, c, working as a cashier. Which algebraic expression below shows how much money Jacqueline earns altogether at her two jobs?(1 point)

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Jacqueline earns $15 per hour as a lab assistant and $12 per hour as a cashier.

Let's say she works b hours as a lab assistant and c hours as a cashier.

The earnings from her lab assistant job would be 15b.

The earnings from her cashier job would be 12c.

Therefore, the algebraic expression that shows how much money Jacqueline earns altogether at her two jobs is:

15b + 12c

To find out how much money Jacqueline earns altogether at her two jobs, we can use the following algebraic expression:

15b + 12c

Here, "b" represents the number of hours worked as a lab assistant and "c" represents the number of hours worked as a cashier.

To calculate the total earnings, we multiply the hourly rate of $15 by the number of hours worked as a lab assistant (b) and add it to the product of the hourly rate of $12 and the number of hours worked as a cashier (c).

To find the algebraic expression that shows how much money Jacqueline earns altogether at her two jobs, we need to add the products of her hourly rates for each job by the number of hours she works in each job.

Let's say Jacqueline works a certain number of hours as a lab assistant, and we can represent this by a variable, let's call it "x". Therefore, her earnings as a lab assistant will be: x * $15.

Similarly, let's say she works a certain number of hours as a cashier, which we can represent by another variable, let's call it "y". Therefore, her earnings as a cashier will be: y * $12.

To find the total earnings, we need to add these two expressions together.

The algebraic expression that shows how much money Jacqueline earns altogether at her two jobs is: x * $15 + y * $12.

Note: The variables "x" and "y" are used here to represent the number of hours worked in each job. The actual values of "x" and "y" would need to be known in order to calculate the total earnings accurately.