compare the ratios 7:9 and 4:6 .

Which is greater

To compare the ratios 7:9 and 4:6, we need to find a common denominator for both ratios. In this case, we can use 18 as the common denominator.

For the ratio 7:9, we can multiply both sides by 2 to get 14:18.
For the ratio 4:6, we can multiply both sides by 3 to get 12:18.

Comparing both ratios, we can see that 14:18 is greater than 12:18.

Therefore, the ratio 7:9 is greater than the ratio 4:6.

To compare the ratios 7:9 and 4:6, we need to find their equivalent fractions and then compare them.

For the ratio 7:9, we can write it as the fraction 7/9.
For the ratio 4:6, we can simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. So, the simplified version of 4:6 is 2:3, which can be written as the fraction 2/3.

To determine which ratio is greater, we can compare the fractions 7/9 and 2/3.

To do this, we can find a common denominator, which in this case is 9 since it is the smallest number that both 9 and 3 can divide evenly into.

Now, let's convert 2/3 to a fraction with a denominator of 9:
(2/3) * (3/3) = (6/9).

Comparing 7/9 and 6/9, we can see that 7/9 is greater than 6/9.

Therefore, the ratio 7:9 is greater than the ratio 4:6.

To compare the ratios 7:9 and 4:6, we need to find a common denominator for both ratios. In this case, we can take the least common multiple of 9 and 6, which is 18.

To convert the ratios to have a denominator of 18, we multiply both the numerator and denominator of each ratio by the same factor. Let's do that:

For the ratio 7:9:
7 × 2 = 14
9 × 2 = 18

So the equivalent ratio for 7:9 with a denominator of 18 is 14:18.

For the ratio 4:6:
4 × 3 = 12
6 × 3 = 18

So the equivalent ratio for 4:6 with a denominator of 18 is 12:18.

Now we can compare the two ratios: 14:18 and 12:18.

By comparing the numerators of both ratios (14 and 12), we can see that 14 is greater than 12. Since the denominators are the same (18), we can conclude that the ratio 7:9 is greater than the ratio 4:6.