Increasing the starting height of the ball change the _________ of the ball at the top of the ramp, which is energy due to position the energy from the top of the lamp was changed to ___________ at the ball rolled towards the bottom of the ramp

Increasing the starting height of the ball changes the potential energy of the ball at the top of the ramp, which is energy due to position. The energy from the top of the ramp is changed to kinetic energy as the ball rolls towards the bottom of the ramp.

Increasing the starting height of the ball changes the potential energy of the ball at the top of the ramp, which is energy due to position. The energy from the top of the ramp is then changed to kinetic energy as the ball rolls towards the bottom of the ramp.

Increasing the starting height of the ball changes the potential energy of the ball at the top of the ramp, which is energy due to position. The potential energy of an object is determined by its mass, acceleration due to gravity, and height. As the height increases, the potential energy also increases.

When the ball is at the top of the ramp, it possesses potential energy. As it rolls towards the bottom of the ramp, this potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion and is determined by the mass and velocity of an object.

To calculate the potential energy, you can use the formula: potential energy (PE) = mass (m) * acceleration due to gravity (g) * height (h). By increasing the height (h), you can see that the potential energy (PE) of the ball at the top of the ramp will also increase.

To calculate the kinetic energy, you can use the formula: kinetic energy (KE) = 1/2 * mass (m) * velocity (v)^2. As the ball rolls towards the bottom of the ramp, the potential energy (PE) is gradually converted into kinetic energy (KE). The velocity (v) of the ball will increase as it moves down the ramp.

So, increasing the starting height of the ball increases the potential energy at the top of the ramp, and this potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy as the ball rolls towards the bottom of the ramp.