what does 3|66 indicate

The expression "3|66" indicates that 3 is a divisor or factor of 66. In other words, 66 can be divided evenly by 3 without leaving a remainder.

The expression "3|66" indicates the division of 66 by 3 using the symbol "|" which represents the "divides" or "is divisible by" relationship. In this case, it is asking whether 66 is divisible evenly by 3.

The expression "3|66" is using the "|" symbol, which represents the bitwise OR operation in computer programming. In this case, it indicates performing a bitwise OR operation between the binary representations of the numbers 3 and 66.

To understand the result of "3|66," we can convert the decimal values 3 and 66 into binary:

3 in binary: 00000011
66 in binary: 01000010

Performing the bitwise OR operation compares the corresponding bits of both numbers and sets the resulting bit to 1 if at least one of the bits is 1. Otherwise, the resulting bit is set to 0.

Performing the operation:


Converting the binary result back to decimal:

01000011 = 67

Therefore, "3|66" evaluates to 67.