Which group did most of the Native Americans finally side with in the Revolution?(1 point)







During the American Revolution, most Native Americans sided with the British.

To find the answer to this question, you will need to study the history of the American Revolution and the role of Native Americans in it. Here are steps you can follow to find the answer:

1. Start by researching the involvement of Native Americans in the American Revolution. Look for reliable sources such as history books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that provide information on this topic.

2. Look for specific Native American tribes or nations that participated in the American Revolution. Some key tribes involved include the Iroquois Confederacy (comprised of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora nations), the Cherokee, and the Creek.

3. Learn about the alliances and relationships these Native American tribes had with different groups during the Revolution. Native American tribes were not a homogeneous group and often had different goals and strategies.

4. Explore the perspectives and actions of the Minutemen, Patriots, and British in relation to Native Americans during the Revolution. Analyze how each group interacted with Native Americans and what efforts were made to gain their support or influence their allegiance.

5. Consider the factors that influenced Native American decisions during the Revolution. This may include factors such as land disputes, trade relationships, the impact of colonization, and tribal politics.

6. Finally, assess the overall inclination of Native Americans towards a particular group during the Revolution. Look for historical evidence, treaties, or accounts of battles involving Native Americans to determine which faction they sided with the most.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the answer to your question regarding which group most Native Americans sided with during the Revolution.