Simplify 5a − 8c + b + 3c −9a + 6b .(1 point)

5a - 9a - 8c + 3c + b + 6b

= (5a - 9a) + (-8c + 3c) + (b + 6b)

= -4a - 5c + 7b

To simplify the expression 5a − 8c + b + 3c − 9a + 6b, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with the same variable:
5a - 9a = -4a
b + 6b = 7b
-8c + 3c = -5c

Now, putting these simplified terms together, we have:
-4a - 5c + 7b

To simplify the expression 5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b, we combine like terms.

Like terms have the same variable(s) raised to the same exponent(s). In this expression, the variables are 'a', 'b', and 'c'.

First, let's combine the terms with 'a': 5a - 9a can be simplified as (5 - 9)a which gives us -4a.

Next, let's combine the terms with 'b': b + 6b can be simplified as (1 + 6)b which gives us 7b.

Lastly, let's combine the terms with 'c': -8c + 3c can be simplified as (-8 + 3)c which gives us -5c.

Therefore, simplifying the expression 5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b gives us -4a + 7b - 5c.