Colonization of Texas Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items
Which answer best describes why the Spanish wanted to found El Paso?(1 point)

They wanted to make it the Spanish capital.
They wanted to make it the Spanish capital.

They wanted to build ranches there.
They wanted to build ranches there.

They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass.
They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass.

They wanted to trap their enemies in the pass.

They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass.

The answer that best describes why the Spanish wanted to found El Paso is: They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass.

To determine the answer to this question, we can analyze the given responses.

Response 1: "They wanted to make it the Spanish capital."
Response 2: "They wanted to build ranches there."
Response 3: "They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass."
Response 4: "They wanted to trap their enemies in the pass."

First, we can eliminate Response 1 because it is repeated twice in the options provided, which doesn't make sense.

Now let's analyze the remaining responses:

Response 2: "They wanted to build ranches there."
This answer suggests that the Spanish wanted to establish ranches in El Paso. While it could be a reason for colonization, it may not be the primary reason.

Response 3: "They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass."
This answer argues that the Spanish wanted to control travel through the pass in El Paso. This could be a logical reason because controlling travel through a pass would give the Spanish control over movement and trade in the region.

Response 4: "They wanted to trap their enemies in the pass."
This answer suggests that the Spanish wanted to trap their enemies in the pass. While it is possible that strategic military reasons could have been a factor, it may not be the primary reason for colonization.

Based on the analysis, the best answer to the question is Response 3: "They wanted to be able to control travel through the pass."