Which type of program is distributed, not downloaded?

A. open source
B. cloud-based
C. raster
D. digital publishing

B. cloud-based

B. Cloud-based.

The correct answer is B. cloud-based.

To determine the answer, let's break down the options:
A. Open source: Open source refers to software that is freely available and comes with its source code. While open source programs can be distributed online or through physical downloads, they can also be distributed through the cloud.
B. Cloud-based: Cloud-based programs are stored and executed on remote servers, accessible over the internet. Users do not need to download and install the program on their local devices; instead, they can access and use it through a web browser or dedicated app.
C. Raster: Raster refers to a type of graphic image format often used for photographs or scanned images. It does not relate to the distribution method of a program.
D. Digital publishing: Digital publishing refers to the process of creating and distributing content digitally, such as ebooks, online articles, or digital magazines. While digital publishing may involve distributing specific programs or tools for creating digital content, it does not determine whether the program is distributed or downloaded.

Given these explanations, the type of program that specifically fits the description of being distributed but not downloaded is a cloud-based program (option B). Such programs are stored and accessed remotely, eliminating the need for traditional downloading and installation processes.