Identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence. My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado. (1 point) Responses subject–verb subject–verb subject–verb–predicate nominative subject–verb–predicate nominative subject–verb–predicate adjective


The sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado" is subject-verb.

To identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado," we can break down the sentence and analyze its structure.

1. Identify the subject: The subject in this sentence is "My subject."

2. Identify the verb: The verb in this sentence is "was."

3. Identify the other elements: "My uncle's farm in Colorado" further describes or specifies the subject.

Based on the analysis, the sentence pattern used in this sentence is subject-verb-subject complement (predicate nominative). The subject ("My subject") is linked to the subject complement ("my uncle's farm in Colorado") through the linking verb ("was").