Which word BEST describes first-generation software programs?

A. big
B. online
C. free
D. speedy

D. speedy

The word that best describes first-generation software programs is D. speedy.

To determine the BEST word that describes first-generation software programs, let's examine the options and their relevance to first-generation software programs.

A. "Big" does not specifically relate to the characteristics of first-generation software programs.

B. "Online" is unlikely to describe first-generation software programs as they were developed before the widespread use of the internet.

C. "Free" is not directly linked to first-generation software programs. The concept of free software became more prevalent in later generations.

D. "Speedy" is the most suitable option as it aligns with one of the key characteristics of first-generation software programs. These programs were often simple and ran on early computers with limited processing power, making it crucial for them to be optimized for speed.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. speedy.