the time it takes the population of a microorganism to reduce half is 0.000027503 of a year. what number is the best estimation of this quantity? (1 point)


The best estimation of the quantity is 0.00003.

To find the best estimation of the time it takes for the population of a microorganism to reduce by half, we can round the given value, 0.000027503, to the nearest option.

0.000027503 is closest to 0.00003.

Therefore, the best estimation of this quantity is 0.00003.

To solve this problem, we need to find the best estimation of the time it takes for the population of a microorganism to reduce by half, which is given as 0.000027503 of a year.

To make it easier to compare, we can convert this quantity to scientific notation:

0.000027503 year = 2.7503 × 10^-5 year

Now let's compare the options given:

0.03 = 3 × 10^-2 (not a close estimation)
0.00002 = 2 × 10^-5 (not a close estimation)
0.01 = 1 × 10^-2 (not a close estimation)
0.00003 = 3 × 10^-5 (not an exact match, but the closest estimation)

Therefore, the best estimation of the quantity 0.000027503 of a year is approximately 0.00003.