What is the correct simplification of

3(4x + 6)?


12x + 6
12x + 6

12x + 18
12x + 18



12x + 18

The correct simplification of 3(4x + 6) is 12x + 18.

To simplify the expression 3(4x + 6), you need to distribute the 3 to each term inside the parentheses.

The distributive property states that if you have a number multiplied by the sum of two terms in parentheses, you can distribute that number to each term inside the parentheses.

In this case, the 3 needs to be multiplied by both 4x and 6.

So, 3(4x + 6) becomes 3 * 4x + 3 * 6.

Multiplying, we get 12x + 18.

Therefore, the correct simplification of 3(4x + 6) is 12x + 18.