In theory, feudalism was based on cooperation and support, but in reality, that is not what happened. Which phrase best describes feudalism in reality?

(1 point)

strictly enforced code of chivalry

strictly enforced code of chivalry

unlimited rule by a few powerful monarchs

unlimited rule by a few powerful monarchs

frequent warfare among landowners

frequent warfare among landowners

economic ties between manors and towns

frequent warfare among landowners

The phrase that best describes feudalism in reality is "frequent warfare among landowners."

The phrase that best describes feudalism in reality is "frequent warfare among landowners."

Feudalism was a socio-economic system that developed in medieval Europe, characterized by the exchange of land for loyalty and military service. In theory, feudalism was based on the idea of cooperation and support between landowners, who were known as lords, and their vassals, who were the peasants and knights working the land. However, in reality, feudalism often resulted in conflicts and warfare among the different landowners.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the nature of feudal relationships. Feudal society was organized around a hierarchical structure, where the king granted land or fiefs to his vassals in exchange for their loyalty and military service when needed. These vassals, in turn, could subdivide their land to create their own vassals. This system created a complex network of conflicting interests and power struggles, leading to frequent disputes and warfare between different landowners.

By understanding the basic principles of feudalism and its historical context, it becomes clear why the phrase "frequent warfare among landowners" best describes feudalism in reality.