volume of a cylinder = 3.14r^2h

radius = 5
height = 4

when the radius is doubled, the volume of the cylinder is

multiplied by 2
multiplied by 3
multiplied by 4
divided by 2
divided by 4

When the radius is doubled, the volume of the cylinder is multiplied by 4.

Volume of a cylinder = πr^2h

So, when the radius is doubled, the new radius becomes 2r.

New volume of the cylinder = π(2r)^2h
= π(4r^2)h
= 4πr^2h

Therefore, the new volume is 4 times the original volume.

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula V = πr^2h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height.

Given that the radius of the cylinder is 5 and the height is 4. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

V = π(5^2)(4)
V = π(25)(4)
V = π(100)
V = 100π

Now, let's calculate the volume of the cylinder when the radius is doubled.

When the radius is doubled, the new radius becomes 2 * 5 = 10. The height remains the same.

So, plugging the new values into the formula, we get:

V_new = π(10^2)(4)
V_new = π(100)(4)
V_new = π(400)
V_new = 400π

Comparing the two volumes:

V_new / V = (400π) / (100π)
V_new / V = 4

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is multiplied by 4 when the radius is doubled.

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula V = πr^2h, where V represents volume, π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14, r is the radius of the cylinder's base, and h is the height of the cylinder.

In this case, the given values are:
radius (r) = 5
height (h) = 4

Using the formula, we can calculate the initial volume (V_initial) of the cylinder:
V_initial = π(5)^2(4)
V_initial = 3.14 * 25 * 4
V_initial = 314 * 4
V_initial = 1256

Now, let's consider what happens when the radius is doubled (2r).
The new radius (r_new) would be 2 * 5 = 10.

To find the new volume (V_new) of the cylinder, we substitute the new values into the volume formula:
V_new = π(10)^2(4)
V_new = 3.14 * 100 * 4
V_new = 314 * 4
V_new = 1256

As we can see, the new volume (V_new) is the same as the initial volume (V_initial), which is 1256. Therefore, when the radius is doubled, the volume of the cylinder remains the same.

In conclusion, when the radius is doubled, the volume of the cylinder is not multiplied or divided by any factor. It remains unchanged.