In 5 hours the Acela Express, the fastest train in North America, traveled 775 miles. How far did it travel in 8 hours?

1240 miles
31,000 miles
19,375 miles
484,375 miles

To determine how far the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can set up a proportion:

5 hours --> 775 miles
8 hours --> x miles

Using cross-multiplication, we have:
5 * x = 8 * 775
5x = 6200
x = 6200/5
x = 1240

Therefore, the Acela Express traveled 1240 miles in 8 hours.

To determine how far the Acela Express train traveled in 8 hours, we can use the concept of speed.

Given that the train traveled 775 miles in 5 hours, we can calculate its speed using the formula Distance = Speed x Time.

So, the speed of the train can be calculated as 775 miles / 5 hours = 155 miles per hour.

Now, to find out how far the train traveled in 8 hours, we can multiply the speed of the train by the time:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 155 miles per hour x 8 hours
Distance = 1240 miles

Therefore, the Acela Express train traveled 1240 miles in 8 hours.

To find out how far the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can use a proportion. We know that in 5 hours, it traveled 775 miles.

First, we need to determine the rate at which the train is traveling. To do this, we divide the distance by the time: 775 miles / 5 hours = 155 miles per hour.

Now that we have the rate at which the train is traveling, we can use it to find how far it will travel in 8 hours. Multiply the rate by the time: 155 miles per hour * 8 hours = 1,240 miles.

Therefore, the Acela Express traveled 1,240 miles in 8 hours.