Write a reflection about your learning in this grammar unit. Reflection should be at least three sentences long use the following sentence starters as a guide.

I can identify infinitives by recognizing the "to" plus the base form of a verb structure. This grammar unit helped me understand that infinitives can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs in a sentence. Additionally, I learned that infinitives are not affected by subject-verb agreement or tense agreement, making them a versatile component of sentence structure.
Explain why you feel this way in one to two sentences.

I feel this way because before this grammar unit, I did not fully understand the different roles that infinitives can play in a sentence. Learning about their versatility and how they are not affected by subject-verb agreement or tense agreement has helped to clarify their purpose and usage for me.

I feel this way because the grammar unit provided clear explanations and examples that allowed me to grasp the concept of infinitives. Furthermore, understanding the various functions and the lack of agreement required for infinitives made me appreciate their flexibility in sentence construction.

I feel this way because throughout the grammar unit, I was able to practice identifying infinitives and understanding their different functions in a sentence. The clear explanations and examples provided in the unit contributed to my understanding of how infinitives work and their flexibility in sentence structure.