This group was made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia’s southern border from invasion by the Spanish.

Highland Scots

The group made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish was the Highland Scots.

The group that was made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia’s southern border from invasion by the Spanish was the Highland Scots.

The group made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish were the Highland Scots.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the provided options individually.

1. Highland Scots: The Highland Scots were a group of Scottish immigrants who settled in Georgia. They were known for their warrior spirit and military skills, making them well-suited for protecting the southern border from Spanish invasion.

2. Malcontents: The Malcontents were colonists in Georgia who were dissatisfied with the leadership of James Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony. While they may have had grievances, there is no specific indication that they were tasked with protecting Georgia's southern border.

3. Salzburgers: The Salzburgers were a group of Protestant refugees from present-day Austria who also settled in Georgia. They were primarily focused on religious freedom and establishing a prosperous community, rather than serving as border protectors.

4. Trustees: The Trustees were the governing body of the Georgia colony, responsible for its administration and managing the colonists. They played a role in establishing policies and overseeing various aspects of the colony, but they were not specifically designated as fighters to protect the border.

Therefore, the Highland Scots were the group specifically known for their fierce fighting abilities and tasked with protecting Georgia's southern border from Spanish invasion.