Which of the words in the following sentence should be capitalized?

Who was the first roman catholic president of the united states?
(1 point)
• Who; Catholic; United; States
• Who; Roman; Catholic; President; United; States
• Who; Roman; Catholic; United; States
• Who; Roman; President; United; States

The correct answer is: Who; Roman; Catholic; President; United; States.

The correct answer is:

• Who; Roman; Catholic; President; United; States

In this sentence, proper nouns such as "Roman Catholic" and "United States" should be capitalized. Additionally, "President" is capitalized because it refers to a specific title. The pronoun "Who" is also capitalized as the first word in a sentence.

To determine which words in the sentence should be capitalized, we need to follow the rules of capitalization. Generally, proper nouns and the first word of a sentence are capitalized.

In the given sentence, "Who was the first roman catholic president of the united states?", all the words are in lowercase. However, some of them should be capitalized.

The correct answer is:
• Who; Roman; Catholic; President; United; States

In this option, all the proper nouns are capitalized, including "Who" (as it is the first word of the sentence), "Roman" (referring to the Roman Catholic Church), "Catholic" (referring to the specific religion), and "United" and "States" (referring to the United States of America). Additionally, "President" is also capitalized as it is a part of the official title.

Therefore, the words that should be capitalized in the sentence are: Who; Roman; Catholic; President; United; States.