In the United States, air pressure is most often measured in inches of mercury. A typical reading in Denver, Colorado, might be around 24,57 in Hg compared to a typical reading in rochester, new york, of 30.03 in hg. What are these reading in atomoheres

To convert inches of mercury (in Hg) to atmospheres, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 atmosphere = 29.9213 inches of mercury

For the reading in Denver, Colorado:

24.57 in Hg * (1 atmosphere / 29.9213 in Hg) ≈ 0.8207 atmospheres

For the reading in Rochester, New York:

30.03 in Hg * (1 atmosphere / 29.9213 in Hg) ≈ 1.0017 atmospheres

To convert inches of mercury (in Hg) to atmospheres (atm), you can use the conversion factor:

1 atm = 29.92 in Hg

Let's convert the readings for both Denver, Colorado, and Rochester, New York:

1. Denver, Colorado: 24.57 in Hg
To convert to atmospheres, divide the reading by the conversion factor:
24.57 in Hg / 29.92 in Hg/atm = 0.8207 atm

2. Rochester, New York: 30.03 in Hg
Divide the reading by the conversion factor:
30.03 in Hg / 29.92 in Hg/atm = 1.0019 atm

The reading in Denver, Colorado, is approximately 0.8207 atmospheres, and the reading in Rochester, New York, is approximately 1.0019 atmospheres.

To convert measurements from inches of mercury (in Hg) to atmospheres (atm), you need to use the following conversion factor:

1 atm = 29.92 in Hg

Let's calculate the air pressure readings in atmospheres for both Denver, Colorado (24.57 in Hg), and Rochester, New York (30.03 in Hg):

For Denver, Colorado:
Air pressure in atm = (24.57 in Hg) / (29.92 in Hg/atm)
Air pressure in atm ≈ 0.820 atm

For Rochester, New York:
Air pressure in atm = (30.03 in Hg) / (29.92 in Hg/atm)
Air pressure in atm ≈ 1.001 atm

Therefore, the air pressure in Denver, Colorado, would be approximately 0.820 atmospheres, and the air pressure in Rochester, New York, would be approximately 1.001 atmospheres.