After the XYZ affair, what did president adams do instead of declaring war?

a:increased the size of the army
b:halted all trade with europe
c:he increased the size of the american navy
d:did not allow european ships in american ports

c: He increased the size of the American navy.

After the XYZ Affair, President Adams took several actions instead of declaring war. One of the actions he took was to increase the size of the American Navy.

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding the context of the XYZ affair. The XYZ affair was a diplomatic incident that occurred between the United States and France in the late 18th century. French officials, referred to as X, Y, and Z, demanded bribes from American diplomats in exchange for negotiating a treaty. This incident led to a surge of anti-French sentiment in the United States and a potential conflict between the two countries.

Knowing this background information, let's analyze each option presented:

a: Increased the size of the army - While increasing the size of the army could be a response to a potential war, it is not the action that President Adams took after the XYZ affair.

b: Halted all trade with Europe - There is no evidence to suggest that President Adams halted all trade with Europe as a response to the XYZ affair.

c: He increased the size of the American navy - This option is a possibility. During times of potential conflict, increasing the size of the navy is a strategic move to protect the nation's maritime interests and ensure its security.

d: Did not allow European ships in American ports - While this may have been a policy enacted in response to the XYZ affair, it is not the action taken by President Adams.

Based on the given options, the correct answer is most likely:

c: He increased the size of the American navy

To further verify this answer and obtain more accurate information about President Adams' actions, it is always recommended to consult additional sources such as history books, articles, or reputable websites.