Which statement best describes how physical geography contributed to the decline of West African empires?

• Landslides and flooding destroyed villages, causing the population to use violence to gain food.
• Hurricanes forced many to migrate east toward central Africa, which reduced the size of the armies.
• Periods of drought led to declines in food production and increased migration of people seeking better conditions.
• Salt was overmined, leading to shortages and protests by miners who demanded more gold for their work.

The statement that best describes how physical geography contributed to the decline of West African empires is:

• Periods of drought led to declines in food production and increased migration of people seeking better conditions.

This is because droughts affected the agricultural productivity of the region, leading to a scarcity of food and resources. This scarcity, combined with the increased migration of people, put a strain on the stability and resources of the empires, ultimately contributing to their decline. The other statements are not directly related to physical geography and its impact on the decline of West African empires.

The statement that best describes how physical geography contributed to the decline of West African empires is: Periods of drought led to declines in food production and increased migration of people seeking better conditions.

The statement that best describes how physical geography contributed to the decline of West African empires is: "Periods of drought led to declines in food production and increased migration of people seeking better conditions."

To understand why this statement is the correct answer, let's break it down:

Physical geography refers to the natural features and processes of the Earth's surface. In the case of West Africa, several factors influenced the decline of empires, and one major factor was the region's physical geography.

1. Periods of drought: West Africa is characterized by a climate that includes both wet and dry seasons. Periods of prolonged drought can have devastating impacts on agriculture, which is a significant source of livelihood for the population. During droughts, the lack of rainfall limits crop production, leading to food shortages and increased vulnerability to famine.

2. Declines in food production: With limited access to water and reduced agricultural productivity, the ability to produce enough food for the local population becomes increasingly difficult. Declines in food production not only impact the immediate availability of sustenance but can also lead to long-term economic instability and social unrest. When people face hunger and desperation due to food scarcity, tensions rise, and conflicts can erupt.

3. Increased migration of people seeking better conditions: In response to food shortages and harsh living conditions, people often seek better opportunities elsewhere. The physical geography of West Africa, including its vast size and diverse landscapes, influenced migration patterns. During times of drought and decreased food production, people would migrate in search of regions with more favorable conditions, such as areas with access to water and fertile land. This migration could result in population loss for the empires as people moved away, potentially weakening their military and economic power.

Therefore, considering the impact of drought on food production and the resulting migration of people seeking better conditions, it is evident that the statement "Periods of drought led to declines in food production and increased migration of people seeking better conditions" best describes how physical geography contributed to the decline of West African empires.