Which of the following was NOT a reason behind the creation of the Georgia colony? (1 point) Responses Charity Charity Defense Defense Religion Religion Economics Economics

Charity was NOT a reason behind the creation of the Georgia colony.

The reason which was NOT behind the creation of the Georgia colony is Defense.

To determine which of the given options was NOT a reason behind the creation of the Georgia colony, we need to analyze each option and eliminate the one that does not fit.

1. Charity: The establishment of the Georgia colony was indeed motivated by charitable intentions. James Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony, aimed to create a refuge for debtors and the poor who were facing imprisonment in England.

2. Defense: The need for defense was also a significant factor in the creation of the Georgia colony. The British government wanted a buffer colony between the British colonies and Spanish Florida to protect the southern colonies from potential Spanish invasions.

3. Religion: Religious motivations were also involved in the establishment of the Georgia colony. Oglethorpe envisioned creating a haven for persecuted Protestant groups and refugees, such as the Moravians, Salzburgers, and Highland Scots.

4. Economics: The economic aspect played a role in the creation of the Georgia colony as well. The British government saw the colony as an opportunity to stimulate trade and boost the economy by utilizing its resources.

Based on the analysis, all of the given options - Charity, Defense, Religion, and Economics - were reasons behind the creation of the Georgia colony. Therefore, there is no option among the given choices that was NOT a reason behind the creation of the colony.