Farmacias in the Spanish-speaking world are _______ the U.S. style of chain drugstores.

(1 point)

moving toward
moving toward

moving away from
moving away from


moving toward

moving toward

To answer this question, you would need to research the current state of farmacias in the Spanish-speaking world compared to the U.S. style of chain drugstores.

One way to find information about this is to search for news articles, reports, or studies that discuss the evolution of farmacias in different Spanish-speaking countries.

You could also explore the websites or online resources of major farmacias in the Spanish-speaking world and compare their business models and practices to those of chain drugstores in the U.S.

By analyzing the information gathered from your research, you can determine if farmacias in the Spanish-speaking world are moving toward, moving away from, or rejecting the U.S. style of chain drugstores.