During your teen years, the rapid pace of physical changes may affect your body image. The following are causes of this rapid change: Choose all that apply (1 point)

body type
hormonal changes
playing sports
growth spurts

All of the options listed (body type, hormonal changes, playing sports, growth spurts) can potentially cause rapid physical changes that may affect body image during the teen years.

All of the following are causes of rapid physical changes during your teen years that may affect your body image:

1. Hormonal changes
2. Playing sports
3. Growth spurts

To determine the causes of rapid physical changes during your teen years, you need to consider several factors:

1. Body type: Your body type can influence how your physical changes manifest. Different body types may experience growth spurts differently, for example.

2. Hormonal changes: Hormones play a significant role in the physical changes experienced during adolescence. The surge of hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, contributes to the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth, muscular development, body hair, and changes in body fat distribution.

3. Playing sports: Engaging in physical activities like playing sports can also impact your body during your teen years. Sports can promote muscle development, bone growth, and overall physical fitness. Regular physical activity may lead to changes in body composition and muscle tone.

4. Growth spurts: Growing taller is a common feature of adolescence, and this rapid increase in height is known as a growth spurt. Growth spurts are usually caused by the release of growth hormones and can vary in timing and duration among individuals.

Therefore, the causes of rapid physical changes during your teen years include body type, hormonal changes, playing sports, and growth spurts.