The ____Is a small flap of tissue that closes the windpipe when you swallow food to keep you from choking.


The correct answer is epiglottis.

The small flap of tissue that closes the windpipe when you swallow food to prevent choking is called the epiglottis.

The correct answer is the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue located at the base of the tongue. Its main function is to close the windpipe, or the trachea, when you swallow food or liquids. This prevents them from entering the airway and going down the wrong pipe, which could result in choking.

To find this answer, you could look up the term "structure that closes the windpipe when swallowing" or "role of epiglottis in preventing choking." By using search engines or medical resources, you can find reliable information that explains the function and purpose of the epiglottis.