What was the purpose of Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation?(1 point)


He felt strongly that we should support France
He felt strongly that we should support France

He wanted to remain neutral when defining his policy toward trade with Spain.
He wanted to remain neutral when defining his policy toward trade with Spain.

He wanted to make it clear that the U.S. supported neither France nor Britain in their war.
He wanted to make it clear that the U.S. supported neither France nor Britain in their war.

He wanted to spell out his policy for imposing taxes on imports and exports.

He wanted to make it clear that the U.S. supported neither France nor Britain in their war.

The purpose of Washington's Neutrality Proclamation was to make it clear that the United States supported neither France nor Britain in their war.

The correct answer is: He wanted to make it clear that the U.S. supported neither France nor Britain in their war.

To get this answer, one can analyze the context and historical significance behind Washington's Neutrality Proclamation. The proclamation was issued by President George Washington in 1793, during a time when France and Britain were engaged in a war. Washington believed that it was crucial for the United States to remain neutral in order to protect its own interests and maintain peace.

To arrive at this answer, one can read historical accounts, such as primary sources like the Neutrality Proclamation itself or secondary sources that discuss the reasoning behind its issuance. Understanding the historical context and the political climate during that time is key to comprehending Washington's intentions and the purpose of his proclamation.