The author of the passage makes the inference that Bessie is "one of the bravest women of all time" because

To determine why the author makes the inference that Bessie is "one of the bravest women of all time," we will need to analyze the passage for any information that indicates Bessie's bravery. Please provide the passage so we can proceed with the analysis.

To identify why the author makes the inference that Bessie is "one of the bravest women of all time," we need to carefully analyze the passage. Look for clues or specific statements that support this inference. Let's break it down:

1. Read the entire passage: Start by reading the passage or the relevant sections that mention Bessie. Pay attention to any descriptions, actions, or statements about her bravery.

2. Identify specific evidence: Scan the passage for specific details that indicate Bessie's bravery. Look for any statements or examples that illustrate her courage or heroic behavior.

3. Analyze the author's tone: Consider the language and tone used by the author. Look for words or phrases that convey admiration, respect, or awe towards Bessie's bravery. These cues can indicate the author's inference about her being one of the bravest women of all time.

4. Consider the context: Think about the historical or social context the passage is set in. If the passage discusses other historical figures or compares Bessie's actions to known acts of bravery, it can provide additional support for the author's inference.

Once you have gathered these pieces of evidence, you can synthesize them to form your own inference about why the author considers Bessie to be one of the bravest women of all time. Remember, when making an inference, it is crucial to rely on the evidence presented in the passage rather than solely on personal opinions.