Use the table to answer the question.

Shirts Pairs of Shorts Totals
5 1 6

60 12 72
A ratio table is given showing shirts and shorts. What is an equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratios in a three-column table?

(1 point)

ratio of 12 to 40 to 52

ratio of 15 to 11 to 26

ratio of 11 to 15 to 26

ratio of 40 to 12 to 52
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The equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio in a three-column table is 12:40:52.

To find an equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio in a three-column table, you can divide each column by the same number to simplify the ratio.

Using the given table:
Shirts: 5, Pairs of Shorts: 1, Totals: 6
Shirts: 60, Pairs of Shorts: 12, Totals: 72

A possible equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio would be:
Shirts: 11, Pairs of Shorts: 15, Totals: 26

Therefore, the correct answer is: ratio of 11 to 15 to 26.

To find an equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio in a three-column table, we need to look at the totals in the given table. From the table, we see that the total number of shirts is 6, and the total number of shorts is 72.

To create an equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio, we need to express the number of shirts and shorts in relation to the whole (total) number. So, we divide the number of shirts and shorts by their respective totals:

Shirts: 5/6
Shorts: 1/6

To simplify the fractions, we multiply them by the same factor to get whole numbers:

Shirts: (5/6) x 12 = 10
Shorts: (1/6) x 12 = 2

Now we have the equivalent part-to-part-to-whole ratio: 10:2:12.

Therefore, the correct answer is the ratio of 10 to 2 to 12.