in 10 seconds, the surface of the earth at the equator has moved 4,600 meters. how far has the surface moved in 150 seconds

To calculate how far the surface has moved in 150 seconds, we can use proportionality.

Let's set up the proportion:

10 seconds -> 4600 meters
150 seconds -> x meters

To find out the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

10 * x = 150 * 4600

x = (150 * 4600) / 10

x = 690,000 meters

Therefore, the surface has moved 690,000 meters in 150 seconds.

To find out how far the surface has moved in 150 seconds, we need to use proportionality since we have the initial displacement and time.

Let's set up a proportion:

In 10 seconds, the surface has moved 4,600 meters.
So, in 1 second, the surface would move 4,600/10 = 460 meters.

Now, we can calculate how far the surface would move in 150 seconds:

In 1 second, the surface moves 460 meters.
Therefore, in 150 seconds, the surface would move 460 * 150 = 69,000 meters.

So, the surface of the earth at the equator would move approximately 69,000 meters in 150 seconds.

To calculate how far the surface has moved in 150 seconds, we can use a proportion.

In 10 seconds, the surface of the earth at the equator has moved 4,600 meters.

Let's set up the proportion:

10 seconds --> 4,600 meters
150 seconds --> ?

To find the missing value, we can cross-multiply and solve:
10 * ? = 150 * 4,600

? = (150 * 4,600) / 10

Calculating this equation, we find that the surface of the Earth at the equator has moved 69,000 meters in 150 seconds.

its wrong

its six nine yeuh get it boi