Explain how East African culture was impacted by trade in the Indian Ocean trade network.(1 point)


Traders from Asia and the Middle East settled in East Africa and shared their cultural ideas, especially their religions.

Muslims settled in southern Africa, sharing their ideas on political philosophy.

Indian merchants shared Hinduism with the Swahili, leading to a growth in the African Hindu population.

Portuguese traders settled on the African coast and spread Christian ideas.

The correct answer is:

Traders from Asia and the Middle East settled in East Africa and shared their cultural ideas, especially their religions.

Traders from Asia and the Middle East settled in East Africa and shared their cultural ideas, especially their religions.

The correct response is: Traders from Asia and the Middle East settled in East Africa and shared their cultural ideas, especially their religions.

To understand how East African culture was impacted by trade in the Indian Ocean trade network, we can look at the history of trade in the region. The Indian Ocean trade network was a vast network of sea routes connecting the countries around the Indian Ocean, including East Africa. This trade network facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices between different regions.

Traders from Asia and the Middle East played a significant role in this trade network. These traders, such as Arab and Persian merchants, came to East Africa in search of valuable resources like gold, ivory, and spices. As they settled in East Africa, they not only brought goods but also shared their cultural ideas with the local population.

One of the significant impacts of this trade was the spread of religions. Many of these traders were followers of Islam, and through their interactions with the local populations, they introduced and spread the teachings of Islam in East Africa. As a result, Islam became a prominent religion in the region, influencing the beliefs, customs, and practices of the East African people.

Apart from religion, trade also brought about cultural exchange in other aspects. Traders brought new technologies, ideas on governance, language, and art. They introduced new crops and farming techniques, which boosted agricultural productivity. They also influenced political and social structures in the region, as the local rulers often sought alliances and cooperation with the traders.

In summary, the trade in the Indian Ocean trade network had a profound impact on East African culture. Traders from Asia and the Middle East settled in the region, bringing with them new ideas, religions, and technologies. This cultural exchange transformed the social, religious, and economic landscape of East Africa.