The diagram below represents a cell in the human body. Which statement concerning the structures within this cell is accurate?

Structure 1 is a chloroplast that carries out photosynthesis.
Structure 2 is a vacuole that contains DNA.
Structure 3 is a mitochondrion, where cellular respiration takes place.
Structure 4 is the cell membrane, which provides rigid, inflexible, impermeable supp

ort to the cell.

The correct answer is:

c) Structure 3 is a mitochondrion, where cellular respiration takes place.

To determine which statement concerning the structures within the cell is accurate, let's analyze the options provided:

a) Structure 1 is a chloroplast that carries out photosynthesis.
b) Structure 2 is a vacuole that contains DNA.
c) Structure 3 is a mitochondrion, where cellular respiration takes place.
d) Structure 4 is the cell membrane, which provides rigid, inflexible, impermeable support.

To find the accurate statement, we need to review the functions and characteristics of each structure within a cell.

1) Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. However, in the context of a human body, chloroplasts are not typically found in human cells. Therefore, statement a is not accurate.

2) Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs commonly found in plant and animal cells. They play various roles, including storage of substances such as water, nutrients, and waste products. However, in human cells, the DNA is primarily contained within the nucleus, not the vacuole. Therefore, statement b is not accurate.

3) Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell because they generate energy through a process called cellular respiration. Mitochondria are present in both plant and animal cells, including human cells. Therefore, statement c is accurate.

4) The cell membrane is a selectively permeable barrier that surrounds the cell, separating its contents from the surrounding environment. It regulates the passage of materials in and out of the cell. However, it is not rigid, inflexible, or impermeable. Therefore, statement d is not accurate.

Based on this analysis, the accurate statement is:

c) Structure 3 is a mitochondrion, where cellular respiration takes place.