When will a fossil be used in finding the absolute age of rocks?(1 point)


if it existed for a long period of time and in a wide area
if it existed for a long period of time and in a wide area

if it existed for a limited period of time and in a wide area
if it existed for a limited period of time and in a wide area

if it existed for a long period of time and in a small area
if it existed for a long period of time and in a small area

if it existed for a limited period of time and in a small area

if it existed for a limited period of time and in a small area

A fossil will be used in finding the absolute age of rocks if it existed for a long period of time and in a wide area.

A fossil can be used in finding the absolute age of rocks if it existed for a long period of time and in a wide area. Fossils are useful for determining the age of rocks because they provide evidence of past life on Earth. By studying the types of organisms preserved in a fossil and comparing them to known fossil records, scientists can estimate the age of the rock layer in which the fossil is found. If the fossil is found in a wide area and existed for a long period of time, it suggests that the rock layer containing the fossil is also of a significant age.